VBA: batch changing document properties
After a rebranding, the names of the two products we documented changed, so we had to update the properties of a few hundred Word documents. In our case, the product name is saved as a custom property. We also wanted to update the titles of the documents, by concatenating several document properties.
This VBA macro processes all the files in a given folder and, for each of them, updates the product name (based on the old one) and then sets the title to [Product Name] [Version] [Module]
(for example, New Product Name 7.2 Cache Servers
Sub BatchProcess()
Dim strFolder As String, strFile As String, wdDoc As Document, product As String, version As String, title As String, newtitle As String
strFolder = "D:\technical_guides\" 'replace the path with your own folder; the macro processes all the .docx files in this folder
strFile = Dir(strFolder & "\*.docx", vbNormal)
While strFile <> ""
Set wdDoc = Documents.Open(FileName:=strFolder & "\" & strFile, AddToRecentFiles:=False, Visible:=False)
With wdDoc
If wdDoc.CustomDocumentProperties("ProductName").Value = "Alain Software" Then
wdDoc.CustomDocumentProperties("ProductName").Value = "Jake App" 'if the old product name was Alain Software, replace it with Jake App
If wdDoc.CustomDocumentProperties("ProductName").Value = "Cuthbert Co." Then
wdDoc.CustomDocumentProperties("ProductName").Value = "Eddie App"
End If
End If
product = wdDoc.CustomDocumentProperties("ProductName").Value 'saves the value of the ProductName property in a variable
version = wdDoc.CustomDocumentProperties("PoweredBy").Value 'saves the value of the PoweredBy property in a variable
title = wdDoc.CustomDocumentProperties("GuideName").Value 'saves the value of the GuideName property in a variable
newtitle = product + " " + version + " " + title 'creates the new title by adding the above values
wdDoc.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Title") = newtitle 'sets the Title property to the new title created above
wdDoc.Fields.update 'updates all the fields to take into account the new property
wdDoc.Save 'saves the document
End With
strFile = Dir() 'moves to the next file in the folder
End Sub
If you want to simply update the product name for all the documents in a given folder, replace the entire If
wdDoc.CustomDocumentProperties("ProductName").Value = "Your New Product Name"